Susie Kane-Kettlewell

"The direct purpose of my art is to provide visual pleasure with forms, colors, textures and even applied ornaments that are meant to achieve something self evidently beautiful, and delectable to experience. The decorative art effects, through complexity and an expressive use of space through overlapping forms, are raised to the level of fine art and the principle shares are variations on organic curves. Such curves reverberate in nature as can be seen when looking at any landscape. Organic curves are universally considered to be the female forms and here they dramatically play off against the masculine geometry of the straight-sided and sharp-cornered frame."

The only thing I ever wanted to be during my entire life was an artist. I have always looked at the world through the eyes of an artist. I was born into a Military family and went to many different schools in England, Scotland and Germany. During my first marriage I was given the opportunity to go to the University of Ulster at Belfast (at the age of 36) where I achieved a BA Honors Degree in Fine Art. I had been a watercolorist doing Landscapes at the time and my studies at University opened my eyes to a totally new world. I have never looked back since and soak up art in any form that I see in Galleries, Museums and fellow artist”s work. Living in this area of Saratoga and Washington Counties with its undulating hills and dales, farm buildings, and mechanical farm structures is a feast for the eyes, especially when the weather changes showing completely different moods in an endless visual display. My most recent exhibitions in this country were a solo show at the Salem Courthouse in Salem, NY in 2022 and a group show at the Laffer Gallery, Schuylerville, NY in 2023.

Susie Kane-Kettlewell
Regular price $160.00
Susie Kane-Kettlewell
Regular price $100.00 Sold Out
Susie Kane-Kettlewell
Regular price $100.00
Susie Kane-Kettlewell
Regular price $80.00 Sold Out
Susie Kane-Kettlewell
Regular price $80.00 Sold Out